Works with every step

St. George’s Works

St. George’s Works provide truly flexible workspace and business support opportunities from the historic Shoe Quarter in Norwich.

Strong customer service values and a vision to enable businesses of all kinds both shape their offer through every touch point. Whatever stage you’re at in business, St. George’s Works — works with every step.

Take a desk for an hour or an office space long term, expand or contract as you need, utilise the wide range of business support and advice services, or manage your own needs …

St. George’s Works is the first step in the regeneration of The Shoe Quarter, historically famous for its successful shoe manufacturing industry. It sets the tone for the whole area and its planned future use as a business development hub for Norwich.


Brand Strategy
Creative Direction
Art Direction
Creative Execution

St George’s Works
Our Place

Marketing Consultant:
Karen Astbury


Office Space by Landsec


Spitalfields Works brand